Monthly bills don’t care if you are able to work or not. They keep on coming. Mortgage, rent, utilities and food count on your paycheck to be paid. What if you are unable to work? How will these bills be paid? That’s where short-term disability insurance can help! It’s a source of monthly income you may need to help take care of your bills while you take care of yourself. Experience Insurance Advisors offers plan options for both total and partial disability. Even if you’re able to work, partial disability benefits may be available to help compensate for lost income.
Experience Insurance Advisors can help you choose the plan that’s right for you based on your financial needs and income.
Do you own a business and looking for short term disability to offer your employees? Experience Insurance Advisors has you covered with plans offering options such as:
- Fast claims payment as fast as four days
- Cash benefits paid directly to your employees to use as they see fit
- Portable — Employees can take the plan with them wherever they go
We want to help you protect your employees’ income in the event of an injury or an illness. There are coverage options that allow employees to choose the plan that’s right for them, based on their financial requirements and income. Give your employees that sense of security!